Happy Friday, Parents! We had an exciting week with all the Pink Week activities! I think their favorite one was pieing me in the face on Tuesday haha! Along with having fun, students are deep in their Area and Volume unit. Students will be tested on Unit 1 later next week. Also, for reading, students should have taken an AR test this week. If your student has not taken one, they will need to take one as soon as they finish their book. Remember students need 20 AR points by the end of the trimester. Also, Friday Folders are going home this week. Please clear out the folder, sign the communication sheet, and send the folder to school with your student on Monday. Here are some announcements for next week: **Students do need headphones and computer mouses for class every day. If possible, please send in plug-in headphones and mouses (not Bluetooth) for your student starting Monday, October 3rd** Thank for parents who volunteered to be camp chaperones. We are less than two weeks away from camp, so I will be sending out more information about camp as we get closer to the date. For camp preparation, I am still looking for parent helps to make name tags. If you can come on Thursday any time between, 1:35 pm to the end of the school day which is 3:37 that would be greatly appreciated. Homecoming week is next week which means spirit wear days. Monday is "Dress Alike Day" Students can dress the same as someone at school, or they can match with me! I will be wearing white sneakers, jeans, and a black Brighton shirt! Keep selling the Little Ceasars Pizza Kits! The fundraiser ends October 16th. Planners: Please sign the planner for Everyday! Math: Students took a formative assessment to see how they were doing. They can use this test as a study tool for the test next week. Reading/Writing: Students worked on sticky noting and reading for AR points. Many students are forgetting their books at home, so please make sure students are traveling with their book from school to home, and home to school each day. Science: Students started learning to write a CER by looking at a question and data. This skill is a difficult task in 5th grade, but the students will be experts by the end of 5th grade! Social Studies: Look on Mrs. Krayer’s Google Classroom for social studies for all assignments. There is a test on Monday on continents and oceans. Homework: Math Journal Page 31 (Math Boxes) and read for 20 minutes with filling out reading log Parent to-do list:
If you have any questions, then please email me at [email protected]. Here are some pictures from the first weeks of school https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-AcbN-sFZouzm2hegeOz_bKXZHRb6lJ3?usp=sharing I hope everyone has a beautiful weekend! Miss Vuichard
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Happy Friday, Parents! This week we continued our learning about area and volume. In addition, students learned about 2D and 3D shapes. For Reading, students are on their way to earn AR points. Remember you need 20 AR points by the end of the trimester. Students should try to take their first AR Test by next Thursday, September 29th. Here are some announcements for next week: **Students do need headphones and computer mouses for class every day. If possible, please send in plug-in headphones and mouses (not Bluetooth) for your student starting Monday, October 3rd** If you want to volunteer for camp, please fill out this Google Form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScPxhZduWpAcFd6q5FBzHM5AMfBlFeYaYsFloSz7rfdoGSMnA/viewform?usp=sf_link by Friday, September 30th. Please make sure you get your background checks done with the front office. Remember, I will put all volunteers on the “wheel of names” for it to be a fair choice of parent volunteers. Camp Packets went home today as well! Pink Week starts on Monday! Please read the flyer attached below to see all the events happening! FYI They can pay $5 to pie me in the face on Tuesday! Keep selling the Little Ceasars Pizza Kits! Planners: Please sign the planner for Everyday! Math: We started unit 1 in math. Students explore area, volume, 2D and 3D shapes Reading/Writing: Students worked on sticky noting and reading for AR points. Many students are forgetting their books at home, so please make sure students are traveling with their book from school to home, and home to school each day. Science: Students started their evidence-based writing for our CER Showdown! It was a blast to see the students work together to come up with evidence and reasoning Social Studies: Look on Mrs. Krayer’s Google Classroom for social studies for all assignments. There is a test on Monday on continents and oceans. Homework: Homelink 1.6, read for 20 minutes, and study for the Continents and oceans test. Parent to-do list:
If you have any questions, then please email me at [email protected]. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Miss Vuichard ![]()
Happy Friday Parents! Week two of school is done, and now we are getting down to business. This week students started on the first unit in Math which is all about Area and Volume. Also, students were able to find "Just Right" books for them and start recording their reading on a Reading Log. We did go to the Library this week, and student are now reading a book for AR points. Remember, the goal is to get 20 AR points by the end of the trimester! Lastly, one of the biggest goals for students is to stay organized and to gain responsible by taking and bringing back school materials every night. This goal is a constant reminder in the classroom, and with just enough practice, I am hoping the students will get in the groove by the end of September! Here are some announcements for next week: **Students do need headphones for class every day. If possible, please send in plug-in headphones (not Bluetooth) for your student starting Monday, September 26th** Little Ceasars Pizza Kit Fundraiser Information is coming home today! Remember this fundraiser helps pay for camp! This white piece of paper is located in your student's homework folder. Also, thank you to the parent who could come to Curriculum Night. It was a pleasure meeting some of you. If you were unable to attend, here is the presentation we showed: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZYjxxjfFXn9-KTjhFXA25MSDVKyi83FvKyEYHSI_158/edit?usp=sharing Planners: Please sign the planner for Friday! Math: We started unit 1 in math. Students do have homework over the weekend to complete Homelink 1.2. I have included the Family Letter for the unit and the answers to the homelinks (at the bottom of this blog post) just in case your student is struggling at home. Reading/Writing: Students worked on finding Just Right books and working on Power Up (Lexia). Remember they are only reading one book! This is the same book they read at home and at school. Science: Students took their metric unit quiz today. We will be going over evidence-based writing next week with a CER Showdown! Social Studies: Students are working on their America is projects Homework: Homelink 1.2 Parent to-do list:
If you have any questions, then please email me at [email protected]. I hope everyone has a great weekend! Miss Vuichard ![]()
Hello Families!
The first week of school was a SUCCESS. This week's focus was all about relationship building. Students worked together for team-building challenges, and they started building relationships with each other. Also, students were able to experience Encores for both A and B days. Throughout the week, students learned how to do the daily routines and procedures included in our daily schedule. Also, thank you to the parents who could come to Curriculum Night. It was a pleasure meeting some of you. If you were unable to attend, we will be sending outing the Slideshow next week. Here are some announcements for next week: Planners: Please sign the planner for Friday! Math: We will be starting Unit 1 next week. Reading/Writing: We will be working on our Best Part of Me writing pieces and starting our Reading Routines and Procedures on Monday. Science: We will start a Metric Unit on Monday. Social Studies: We will start the first unit on Monday Parents! what you need to sign this week:
Homework: Brown Paper bag Biography If you have any questions, then please email me at [email protected].\ I hope everyone has a great weekend! Miss Vuichard |
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