Good Afternoon Parents, We made it through the first part of the School Year! We had an awesome week finishing our narrative writing pieces and taking the first part of our fraction unit test. The students had a relaxing Friday with holiday activities and treats. Thank you parents for all the donations for the STEM activities and holiday treat. I am very thankful that I have awesome parents! Here are some announcements for next week: Winter Break starts on Saturday, December 18th, and ends on Sunday, January 2nd. I will see everyone back at school on Monday, January 3rd. Parents! what you need to sign this week:
Parent Connect/Gradebooks: Parents, you can start checking Parent Connect to see what assignments your student is missing or incomplete and see what they have received on homework and test. For missing assignments, I would suggest showing your students what the assignment is and to look for it in their backpack, desk, or locker. If they can’t find it, please tell me to make a new copy. Students could also check their grades using Student Connect if they didn’t know. This can be found on the Brighton Area Schools website under “I am a Student.” Please email me if you have any questions. Things to do at home during Winter Break:
If you have any questions, then please email me at [email protected]. I hope everyone has a wonderful two week break! Take this time to be with family and relax! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year! Love, Miss Vuichard Enjoy these photos!
Good Afternoon Parents, We made it through another week in December and we have 5 more school days before Winter Break! This week we are working on our narratives and continuing our study in Fractions. We also finished our first cycle in Science. We will be turning in our narrative final drafts on Thursday, December 16th. We will be taking a Math Test Thursday, December 16th too! Here are some announcements for next week: Report Cards are coming home today! Please sign the envelope and have your student turn it in on Monday, December 13th. Winter Break starts on Saturday, December 18th and ends on Sunday, January 2nd. I will see everyone back at School on Monday, January 3rd We are doing some STEM activities in Science next week and I need help with supplies. Please help out by donating items for our activities! We will need these by Monday, December 13th. Thank you in advance! Also, the students did win an special snack on Friday, December 17th because they were able to collect 212 cans and $125. I am asking parents for these food and drink donations to go along with my special snack. Thank you in advance! Spirt Week Next Week! Check out what to wear! Students should be bringing all their materials home and back to school every day. This will help with students who have to quarantine due to exposure to Covid-19. Students who are quarantined or absent NEED to look on Google Classroom for our daily assignment post. Our students must stay on top of their school work when they are not here at school. Please email me if you have any questions or comments.
Items Students Need to Bring from Home: **Students do need headphones and computer mouses for class every day. If possible, please send in plug-in headphones (not Bluetooth) for your student.** Parents! what you need to sign this week:
Parent Connect/Gradebooks: Parents, you can start checking Parent Connect to see what assignments your student is missing or incomplete and see what they have received on homework and test. For missing assignments, I would suggest showing your students what the assignment is and to look for it in their backpack, desk, or locker. If they can’t find it, then please tell me to make a new copy. If you didn’t know, students could also check their grades using Student Connect. This can be found on the Brighton Area Schools website under “I am a Student.” Please email me if you have any questions. Absent Students: Please look on Google Classroom for Assignments and Homework that you missed. I will have all the paper copies for you when you return, and you will need to get your absent packet signed by a parent. Planners: Please sign the planner every day! Math: We are moving along in fractions and we will be testing by next Thursday. Reading/Writing: Rough Drafts are due Monday Science: Done with Cycle 1 of the Unit, STEM activities next week. Social Studies: Please check Mrs. Krayer’s Classroom for absent work and use the TCI website through Clever. Clever Apps to do at home:
If you have any questions, then please email me at [email protected]. Miss Vuichard Good Afternoon Parents,
Welcome to the first week of the trimester! We are diving right into our first writing unit and our new unit of math: Fractions. Here are some announcements for next week: Our annual Food Can Prix is from December 1st – December 15th!! Please send in canned food (no glass or expired food, please) in a bag marked with your child's homeroom on it. You may also donate online (please note your child's homeroom, so they get credit) or send in cash or a check to the office. The winning Maltby classroom of the Food Can Prix also gets to have their names on the Maltby trophy and keep it in their classroom for the remainder of the year!! Miss Vuichard's class only, if each student brings in 10 canned goods by December 15th, then she will provide the class with a special snack on Friday, December 17th! The two homerooms with the most points will get to have a fake snowball fight with Mr. Brenner and Mr. Aten! BUT Mr. Aten has sweetened the deal!!! If Maltby as a whole school donates 1 TON of food (only 3lbs per person), then Mr. Aten will shave his beard, and the winning homeroom gets to help!! The kids are going to be so excited! Here are some examples of what items you can donate:
Students should be bringing all their materials home and back to school every day. This will help with students who have to quarantine due to exposure to Covid-19. Students who are quarantined or absent NEED to look on Google Classroom for our daily assignment post. Our students must stay on top of their school work when they are not here at school. Please email me if you have any questions or comments. Items Students Need to Bring from Home: **Students do need headphones and computer mouses for class every day. If possible, please send in plug-in headphones (not Bluetooth) for your student.** Parents! what you need to sign this week:
Parent Connect/Gradebooks: Parents, you can start checking Parent Connect to see what assignments your student is missing or incomplete and see what they have received on homework and test. For missing assignments, I would suggest showing your students what the assignment is and to look for it in their backpack, desk, or locker. If they can’t find it, then please tell me to make a new copy. If you didn’t know, students could also check their grades using Student Connect. This can be found on the Brighton Area Schools website under “I am a Student.” Please email me if you have any questions. Absent Students: Please look on Google Classroom for Assignments and Homework that you missed. I will have all the paper copies for you when you return, and you will need to get your absent packet signed by a parent. Planners: Please sign the planner every day! Math: Division is done, and now we are moving to onto Fractions. Reading/Writing: Narrative Writing has started, and we will be starting to write a personal narrative. Science: We are learning about zebra mussels and what they do for the environment. Social Studies: Please check Mrs. Krayer’s Classroom for absent work and use the TCI website through Clever. Clever Apps to do at home:
If you have any questions, then please email me at [email protected]. Miss Vuichard |
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February 2025
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